Friday, February 11, 2011

Lazy Confessions

Ok, I have a confession to make. I haven't been doing my 30 For 30. I know! :::Cringe::: I'm sorry! And I think I'm going to drop out. :::Hangs head in shame::: I think it's an awesome idea, but just not for me! My MO for dressing is usually based on my mood and whim! This challenge just made me feel stifled. The outfits that I put together just weren't me. I wasn't happy. And getting dressed usually makes me happy! BUT! It did force me to take a hard look at the contents of my closet and my shopping habits. I basically ripped my closet apart and pulled everything out, put it on, and asked myself some serious questions, like: Do I wear this alot? If yes, why? If not, why? The clothes that I do wear regularly: is there a theme? Can I come up with 5 or more different ways to style this? Etc. I got rid of some clothes. The stuff that I liked, but not on me. The stuff that was cute and cute on me, but uncomfortable in some way, shape, or form. The stuff that wasn't me, but I was going to experiment and step outside of my safety zone. And jumped right back into my safety zone b/c it just wasn't me! I also went shopping. Insult to injury, I know! But I went smart shopping! I asked the same questions: Would I wear this alot? If yes, why? If not, why? Does this fit my theme? Can I come up with 5 or more different ways to style this?

I did take pictures of what I've worn the last few days. These are me outfits! I was happy.

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